It was a blessing when finally we can celebrate our engagement day at 10.11.12 at a hotel in my hometown...
The night before, I could not sleep, I was too nervous of what my engagement day will be... but it's not just because of nervous but, I have to wrap some gifts for my boyfriend ;) because 2 days later it would be his birthday...
So the dawn is come and I woke up early, saying a prayer, hoping everything would be run smooth today..
I took a bath, get dressed and went out with mummy...
We went to the hotel, to do last check with everything, the suites that would represent my house, the extra chairs, the cookies, candies, and... venue for our family dinner. Everything's perfect, so I can go to the salon with light feeling..
Have no idea what my make up's gonna be, I just sit there and trust the make up artist also the hair stylist done their jobs.
and.... Wow, they done great job. Me, myself also amazed... It's perfecto!!!
Time to went back to the hotel, my father and elder sister picked me up, and yess.. they are also surprised by they way I look haha... (in a good way)
It should be at 5.30pm my boyfriend and his family arrives to the hotel, but they haven't come until 6.30...
Hm... OMG, what's going on here? I started to really nervous... I walk around the room again n again...
The photographer also looks worry to..
6.49... He finally called, just saying, we are at the lobby.. Owh... Thanks God..
Knocking at the door, my besties (and my MC too that night), opens the door and greet them...
let them sit, and over some drinks..
In the other room I sat on the bed side, listen to Mr.Petrus ask to take me for my boyfriend...
OMG... then after some "discussion"... my Dad said OK and "let me go"...
I was called to enter the other room where my boyfriend, his family, my family and the other relatives waiting..
And once again... it's like putri indonesia's slogan, "Semua mata tertuju padamu" hehehe...
Greet all the guests one by one and the ceremony is began. My mom-in law to be put the ring to my left ring finger and my mom also put the ring to my boyfriend's left ring finger, now we are officially engaged. Thanks God... This session was ended with prayer led by Mr.Petrus.
At the end we are all went to 1st floor to Virgo room to have Dinner..
We have very long table with at about 25 persons in it and we are the "host". We have a good dinner with so tasty food; Leici Chicken, Carp with Salad Seasoning, Pengantin Soup, Fried Noodle with Shrimp, Cah Broccoli Mushrooms and ended with Fruit Cocktail..
In the middle of dinner time, me and my fiance mingle and giving cookies to the guests.. This cookies is believe in bringing luck for those who is still try to find their soul mate.
Thank you God...
Noniq & Sinyo |
"In love and His plan, He has made everything beautiful in its time... Beautiful when He united, Beautiful when He rises the love... Thank You God" (˘ʃƪ˘)